Friday, November 30, 2007

Each day I feel better. We all tolerate food differently, and I need to accept the fact that many carbohydrates have to stay out of my diet for me to have optimum health.

There is no sense bemoaning that fact or trying to remain on that slippery slope for spurts of gratification. I don't know why I am continually amazed at the strength of my flesh. It's a pride issue.

I thank God for His Holy Spirit and for His holy Word; He is faithfully drawing me to Himself.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I can feel such a difference in my finger joints since I have been off sugar. They aren't so tight and stiff.

It is hard at work not to sample the finished product after I'm done baking the desserts for the day, though. I was really eating alot of sugar without realizing it. I would mostly eat the scrapings from the pan, but there are sometimes alot of them!

It's a good feeling when I scrape them into the garbage now. I feel I am being honest with my desire to reach my goal of obtaining good health.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The house is so quiet, with only the coffee pot making its usual sounds. I like mornings like this.

It is my favorite time of the day. I feel the most positive and have a complete desire to be all I can be. Something happens as the day wears on, though---fatigue. It has never been my friend.

With that in mind, I know (now) evenings are a vulnerable time for me. Sometimes the best place to be is bed.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I already feel better after one day of restricting my carbohydrate intake. Bad habits creep in slowly and soon the abnormal becomes normal.

It reminds me of the verse in Proverbs, "A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest" and soon I am overtaken by my own foolishness. I have a daily witness as to how strong the flesh is---myself.

I thank God for His love for me which keeps drawing me back to center where I can rest in His ways and not my own.

Monday, November 26, 2007

I had a good weekend with alot of time to think. Drastic boundaries need to be put back into my life, I believe.

My diabetes is not under control right now, and I can feel it. My doctor wants me to go back to walking and, of course, watch what I eat. This week I am going to really focus on "watching what I eat."

What price do I put on good health? I need to be a better steward.

Friday, November 23, 2007

It's always nice to be on the otherside of a holiday. The anticipation is wonderful but to live there very long is depleting.

I am so comfortable with routine and have to really nudge myself to broaden my life. I know God has much more of an expectation for me than being the underachiever that comes so naturally.

God loves obedience, and that is another area that needs work in my journey.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

This is my fifty-eighth Thanksgiving. Of course, some of them I don't remember but imagine they were much like today's.

The house is already abustle with family. They all come early and hover around the kitchen chattering with excitement as they anticipate our very traditional dinner.

"Oh, give thanks unto the Lord for He is good." May this day be blessed, especially for our men and women fighting selflessly for our freedom.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"I don't want God's second best in anything I do," is something I read in my reading today.

If I were ever to have a Mission's Statement for my life, that would be it. I am far from it in many of the choices I am making, however. I am thankful, though, God has revealed yet another "clue" in the direction He wants my life to go.

Isn't God amazing---He is constantly nudging and leading us into His will and purpose.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'm getting excited about tomorrow---my big work day for fixing the Thanksgiving dinner. I do it all the day before, then heat it up on Thursday.

There is something about this time of year that makes me naturally thankful. Maybe it is because when my dad farmed, this was harvest time when the fruit of all his labor was celebrated.

It's wonderful God created within us the ability to give thanks and express appreciation for all we have in Christ Jesus.

Monday, November 19, 2007

This is always an exciting week---the week of Thanksgiving. The turkey is already thawing in the refrigerator!

I only work three days this week with Wednesday and Thursday off. It will be a nice break. I hope to get alot accomplished in those two days, mainly getting caught up; but I really don't mind lagging behind. It keeps the household peaceful when fretting is removed.

This is an exciting week!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Life is a classroom. God continues to show me areas I am still willfull.

In His Word I am reading about the pride of the northern kingdom---and see myself there. In observing others doing it "their way"---I see myself as well. God is directing me toward godly living and showing me the areas my flesh is still stong.

I am thankful I daily see God repositioning me toward holiness.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I am limping, but I am going to continue on. Things are always hard at first.

In the area of food, my flesh is the strongest. It is going to be a big battle for me to reckon with, but no battle at all for Christ. Keeping my eyes on Him and not letting my wants take control, is my victory.

Though I know I don't have an easy day ahead of me, my heart is full of joy that God's Spirit is always with me as my Guide and my Helper.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Yesterday was transitional. (Does that sound like I'm justifying something?!)

My plan is to do better today and keep my focus on small portions. It is hard when everyday is a buffet at work. There are so many choices; and for someone who loves to eat, that is not good.

I know God has directed me, so who am I going to please? This is what I need to ask myself before I start putting food on my plate.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My thoughts are still on yesterday's blog. This will seem as a continuation, I'm sure.

I have always heard it takes three weeks to develop a new habit. I know God is prompting me to trust Him with small portions. Even though today is not Monday, the day I usually start over, there is an urgency I start now.

So on this day, the thirteenth, I will begin my three week journey....and will enjoy what I do eat.

Monday, November 12, 2007

I feel a direction from God, and I feel my flesh resisting it. I know it is the way to go, though.

I have watched my friend eat every day since I started working. When she goes through the line and "fills" her plate, she takes a dab of this and a dab of that. I asked her why she took such small portions. She smiled and said she loved to eat. "But," I persisted, "you don't eat alot." Still smiling, she said, " No, but I enjoy what I do eat."

Imagine that. Food can be enjoyed that way. God is revealing something very important.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The end of the week---what a beautiful proclamation!

My day at work (by looking at the menu) should be an easy one which makes me all the more excited. Our boss gave each of us new shirts to wear on Fridays, so I am all decked out in new finery.

I like the feeling of all these positives. God gives us glimpses of how it could always be---through Him.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

This is a better morning than yesterday's. There is a calm that is back giving peace to my soul.

When I march to the drumbeat of the flesh, I have strife and peace trying to coexist---an impossibility. The two can never be merged without experiencing conflict.

With that reminder, God has brought me back to center. I can now continue to seek God's guidance in my need to lose weight.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

There is so much spinning in my head today, areas I want to work on and finding the right way to do it. I went to bed with all this on mind; it's no wonder I woke up with it on my mind!

How can I best please God in my journey to good health? Is it by fasting a meal a day? I have been pondering that; what is the right way?

Today I will continue to ask God for guidance. There is an answer for me----"the battle is Mine, the victory is yours."

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I'm in a hurry this morning----what's new!

I want to get to work an hour early to finish up on what I should have done yesterday. (I had an appointment right after work, so that dictated a prompt "quitting time.")

It's times like these that I wonder if it's even possible to slow this all down and find a balance that I know is pleasing to God. Lord, help me do what is right. Amen.

Monday, November 5, 2007

A dawning of a new week is always filled with a zeal-filled anticipation of having a more disciplined approach to my weight-loss program. I will never give up on that quest.

Good health is precious; but for some reason, I am careless with it. I know what is "killing" me, and I continue to give in to eating too much, especially in the sweet's realm.

I know the answer lies in Christ---"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I have no excuse when I fail.

Friday, November 2, 2007

It's amazing how a day off work can calm the waters and restore tranquility. I was beginning to feel pretty ragged.

Going to bed early once in awhile is a great medicine, one that I need often. Sleep is God's gift to us.

It's wonderful to wake up the next day feeling great and ready to take on a new day!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

I am spending my day off with great lethargy----and loving it! I hope that doesn't sound too slothful.

The clock has become my competition, and it's nice to have a day of "truce." Out of habit I find myself glancing at it often but know it doesn't have much meaning today.

Having liberty to find balance in life is a great gift; God's plan is perfect.