Friday, May 30, 2008

Another week has flown by! I have so much to learn about my new lifestyle.

I think I will use the computer this weekend to learn more about being a vegan. The books are good, but they aren't in agreement (and I think I would lose weight faster if I knew the correct formula). I need to get a better fundamental grasp in a "Reader's Digest" form.

It is going well, and I do feel so much better. It just takes time to learn a whole new way of thinking.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I am trying to come up with a variety of healthy options for my main meal.

The more I read, the more I'm realizing I'm going to have to decide what is working for me. Each book tells a different story on what foods to stay away from. So, I will be checking labels looking at fat grams, sugar grams, and fiber grams. (That rules out a lot of foods!)

God is wonderfully in this; that is my joy.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Last night was much better with no desire to eat more than a salad. I was thankful.

My weight isn't falling off like I would like it to; but I have reduced my pill intake, taking three instead of nine! I feel great and am looking forward to feeling even greater!

Along the way, God is teaching me and stretching me to be ready for the day that weight is no longer my challenge; He will show me a new one!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I spent last night feeling dissatisfied; the flesh is alive and well!

I don't know why it hit me so hard, but it certainly caught me off guard. I ended up going to bed early, after doing some more reading on why I'm eating the way I am. It helped, and it made me sleepy!

So, today is a new day. I hope tonight isn't a repeat of last night's struggle!

Monday, May 26, 2008

On this Memorial Day our troops are remembered and thanked for their heroic willingness to serve our beloved country.

Remembered also are the many families affected by the tornado devastation yesterday. My heart goes out to them as they mourn and try to pick up the pieces of their life.

May God bless each one of them.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday is here with a busy weekend ahead of me. I have to work four hours Sunday, so there goes my nap!

I've had a great (almost) three weeks and can see only positive things coming from my new lifestyle. It's funny how I thought I was on the right path, only to find out I've been eating all the wrong foods--and abstaining from all the good foods! The more reading I do, the more I see where my error in thinking was. How can two camps, though (claiming the same outcome), be 180 degreees apart?!

I'm thankful for God's prompting to go to a meeting that changed my life--forever.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I started reading a book last night on reversing Type 2 diabetes and was relieved to see that the diet this doctor prescribed to was the same one I have been eating the last two (plus) weeks.

I like affirmations; this really solidified my thinking that I'm on the right path (for me). It will be a happy day when I can be "drug free" and live a life free from the consequences of obesity.

It's a step at a time. God reminds me of this as I charge forward.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's another beautiful day--what a blessing!

Climbing out of winter was a long, up-hill road (both physically and mentally!), and now being in the midst of spring is a great refreshment. Of course, everything looks brighter when it is seen through a clear (decluttered) head.

I am thankful for this new road "I" found.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Being freed from food cravings has been such a blessing. Unless you have been there, you have no idea how insane that can become.

There is something about this new way of eating that is so satisfying, (yet so limiting). Food is in two catagories now: good for me; bad for me. There is no weighing or measuring, just a rigid confinement to certain foods.

I like simple things, but God already knew that.

Monday, May 19, 2008

My closet is overwhelming. I have been trying to make decisions on what to keep and what to let go of.

That is never easy for me. I'm a saver. But, the time has come where it is necessary; it is too time-consuming trying to figure out what to wear. Some things I am hanging on to is for "just in case." That's probably the majority of my closet!

It's time to take action. God loves order, an untanglement of all the "things" in life.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Last night was the first time eating out with my new food program. It went well!

I am becoming more familar with my new eating style and am not missing (most of) the foods I can no longer have. One thing I want to bring back into my daily program is my coffee with cream and sugar. I am going to wait three months, though, before doing any tweaking.

I can already see good results in my new-found lifestyle, and I thank God for that!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I am waking up so much more rested since not taxing my stomach so.

It's like putting glasses on for the first time and realizing how much I've missed. I didn't know this eating adjustment would give me a sense of "unaging." I feel so energized.

Looking back is always interesting seeing the hand of God in each step of my life.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I feel new habits being formed in my daily walk with food.

Since I make the desserts (and salads) at my place of employment, it has always been easy to "taste" what I make. With my enthusiasm for my redirection, I no longer fall into that trap. It's a good feeling.

I don't know all that God has for me, but God continues to whisper in my heart, "Be still and know that I am God."

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's exciting to start a new day when life is in order. I'm thankful for God redirecting my steps.

My thinking had to be changed a full 180 degrees, but it was done in the blink of an eye. I knew God was at work in my journey to good health; I just had to be patiently waiting as I hovered close to Him.

God's love is beyond measure.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Today is the beginning of the second week of my new eating lifestyle. I don't remember when I've felt so good.

What is most surprising is how satisfying the food is. No longer am I rattling the cupboards looking for something else, then looking for something else..... (My food cravings were bordering on insanity!)

It doesn't surprise me--though I marvel at--God's goodness. He is faithfully leading me into good heath.

Friday, May 9, 2008

I've been on sabbatical; our computer has been down!

I have never felt better! This eating program is fully agreeing with my system, though it's not the way my flesh would chose to eat. I'm still adjusting to "eating to live, not living to eat."

I thank God for His daily guidance in my life. I can live in peace knowing He is in control (when the flesh is yielded).

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Yesterday was a test. It was very difficult because of the busyness at work.

I came home so hungry, because I didn't have time to make my special lunch. Last night I made it ahead, so it is ready for me to eat at lunch time today. I can no longer just pop something(s) in my mouth!

This is going to stretch me in the discipline area of my life. God knows me best; it must be an area that needs attention!

Monday, May 5, 2008

May 5, 2008, is a new beginning for me.

I spent part of the weekend learning a new way of eating, and today is my first day. This is something I've never tried before. After listening, reading, and praying, I think this is exactly what my body needs. It is being done under a doctor's care, and I'm still taking all me prescribed medication--but, hopefully, not for long! If I can stick with this, it will be a win/win for me.

A few days ago I was wandering, but always staying close to God. This weekend He gave me a nudge.

Friday, May 2, 2008

As I am thankful for Mondays, I'm equally thankful for Fridays. It's good to close out a week.

I've had a great week as far as work goes, but a bad week for personal accomplishments. I know God has this all under control; I know He has the answer.

I am wandering around right now but staying close to the Master.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I've had some scares with my eyes lately. It feels like I have someone else's glasses on.

Of course, I think of my diabetes right away. It is going to make it easier to stay away from carbs today as I feel I'm on overload. Lunch will be a couple hard-boiled eggs; supper will be protein as well.

It is good to do what is right--always. I know that; so why don't I?