Friday, May 29, 2009

Here it is already Friday.

It's a special day for us--our grandson's birthday. We will be going to our other grandson's T-ball game after work, then will meet up with everyone for a birthday supper for Tyler. It will be a little rushed but still a blessing to all be together.

I'm so thankful God has given us these precious moments to spend with our busy family.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

This has been a very good week at work, for which I'm very thankful.

I trained someone yesterday in my job; it was nice to have an extra pair of hands! She will be back Monday for more training, so that will make my weekend feel extended! God gives these little wisps of fresh air at such timely moments.

I know God has a plan for my (prolonged) position as "employee" and fully trust His purpose for my life.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Press forward" is what is ringing in my ears this morning.

I am becoming overwhelmed by all that is on my plate. For a moment, I felt the need to surrender (and quit). It is such an effort to keeping moving forward, and the (physical and mental) energy is waning.

I am thankful for the whispers of God, for His loving care that strengthens me.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I got up extra early this morning. It gave me freedom from the non-negotiable clock!

I have been partying too much with all the social events of the season and am now feeling remorseful. I know that that always happens, yet I allow myself to fall into the same trap over and over. I continue to overeat in spite of all my knowledge of its consequences.

I am reminded daily I am a work in progress (far from finished).

Monday, May 25, 2009

What a beautiful Memorial Day!

I'm so thankful for all of those who fought in the wars for the sake of our precious freedom. They are the heroes; they are the ones who deserve our remembrance on this holiday. I am wearing a patriotic shirt to work today in their honor, in the honor of my father who willing fought in WW ll pledging his allegiance to his God and his country.

Thank you, Father, for a country that can still say, "In God we trust."

Friday, May 22, 2009

This week flew by--yea!!!!

With graduation and all the open houses (plus throw in a birthday and a farewell!), we will be on the run all weekend. Of course, open houses are traps for over eating--too much hard-to-pass-up food choices! I will try hard not to over-do in the sugar department, my biggest glitch! (That is why it's best that I stay away from it all together.)

God has shown Himself to me in many ways this week; He so faithfully carries me.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What a busy time of year! Everything (and everyone) seems to be screaming for more attention.

I went to bed late (12:30) and got up early (5:30), so I know I will have to curtail my duties tonight. Knowing I will be finished with two (and may be three) major time-takers is a real boost and is carrying me through this "in-over-my-head" time.

God is letting me learn from my mistakes; I hope I don't have to repeat the class!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm afraid I've taken on too much.

If I work my myself backwards and let go of the last thing I committed to, it would be the Wednesday night Bible study. I find myself doing nothing well, just squeaking by. I think in order to finish my course work up (while working full time), I need to have some nights at home to work on it. (I know God expects me to use my head once in a while!)

So, I think I will have to (for now) work on my Bible study alone on Sunday afternoons.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I managed to slice my finger at work yesterday (to the bone) so typing is a bit of a challenge!

I have this wonderful homeopathic solution, though, and been soaking my pinky in it. I am going to try to go to weight class after work, which I thought would be impossible last night. I am taking the solution with me to work so I can soak my finger several more times before class.

I know God wants me to slow down; I love how He gets my attention!

Monday, May 18, 2009

What a weekend! It was one that was too fast and too busy.

My flesh got well-fed, and my spirit got very little. I was really convicted of this in my reading this morning in 2 Corinthians. How quickly I fall by the wayside and act like a small child who has been given too much freedom in a candy store. The choices I made were all bad ones--choices that will ultimately lead me back down that bumpy old road of sickness and disease.

So, with my head aching and my stomach hurting, I begin a new week reaping the rewards of the flesh.

Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm so thankful for feeling better. I woke up this morning and realized I slept through the night without "up and down" to the bathroom!

I wanted to crash after work yesterday but had a garage sale to think about. I spent the evening organizing my stuff--thank goodness for daughters who shoulder most of the work, though. I did very little compared to them.

I went to bed later than I wanted, but God took care of me.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm a little under the weather today. I had a horrible day at work yesterday and think it is a carry-over from that.

I started praying at 4:00 this morning (while in bed) for God to touch my body and help me through the next two work days. After taking some aspirin and doing some deep breathing, I started to feel better. (I don't know if I will be up to going to the gym after work but am taking my workout clothes just in case.)

I have so much to be thankful for, and that will be my focus (instead of having a "poor me" mind-set).

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

God shows His presence in so many (everyday) ways.

At work yesterday I needed a commercial size can of crushed pineapple for a salad, so I went to the can rack and found none, only tidbits--which meant I had to puree them into crushed. I took the can and started walking away only to hear a crash to the floor. I turned to see what had fallen off the rack--a can of crushed pineapple! I forgot that I put two cans of crushed pineapple behind some tidbits last week. In the (almost) two years I've worked there, no can has ever fallen from the rack.

It's wonderful to have an omnipotent God watching over me!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My new blog name is coming together, but not quite.

I have so much in my head (and heart), but it takes consecrated time to make sense of it all. I seem to only have pieces of time, not enough to get on the other side. But God keeps moving me forward on His timetable, letting me know He needs to be in control. For so long I have made a mess of my life--so I do not fight His ways but embrace them.

What a wonderful Father we have!

Friday, May 8, 2009

This is Mother's Day weekend. It's a day I cherish, ever so thankful I have a mother to honor on that day.

It's good to come to the end of the work week. I'm usually depleted by Friday and ready for a break from the hustle and bustle of salad and dessert making for the noon and evening meals. (I'm thankful today is a fairly easy day; a great way to end the week!)

My mind is mostly on the salads and desserts I will be preparing for our celebration of mothers on Sunday! God bless you all.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Work was my classroom yesterday.

I was making Jello molds (something I do all the time); and for a minuscule second, I took my eye off the liquid in the mold (when carrying it to the cooler) and tipped it ever so slightly. I could not believe the mess I had all over the floor just from that tiny tip. The same is true about the flesh. A tiny tip in that direction can cause "a mess all over the floor."

I immediately saw an area in my life that needs attention--my tiny pauses from staying focused on the Lord.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This week is flying by and each day excitement is building as I surrender more of my "old ways" and embrace what is true.

I am thinking of a name change for my blog--it will have something to do with "forty days." There is so much in Scripture about forty days and is considered a number of total and complete transformation. Of course, life will always be a process, progressing in human baby steps toward God (as He takes giant ones toward us).

If I can change weak areas in my life by allowing God forty days to show me His ways, imagine the outcome of a continual renewal of such a challenge.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I'm getting up earlier but still running out of time. (I'm still looking for the balance!)

I'm reading a book, Body by God, that is teaching me how to get more done in my 24-hour day. He said to draw boundary lines around segments of the day, not letting other things interfere with what is at hand. I am making changes to hopefully see daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly accomplishments.

I keep striving for God's best.

Monday, May 4, 2009

My mind is full of energy this morning--a typical Monday!

I made some life-altering commitments this weekend--to keep the t.v. and computer turned off most of the time. All weekend I heard the same message, from several sources, to let less of the world nibble away at my 24-hour day. To keep a strong focus on the Lord, I need to guard against these easy distractions.

God keeps moving me closer to Himself, closer to His ways and His thinking. There is no better place to be.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I'm so thankful it is Friday!

God took away the plans I did have--being a part of a Bible study in May. I thought the sessions were on Saturday mornings. (They are on Friday mornings instead, and I work.) I was going to teach a cooking class next week; and two weeks later, teach a class on loving your husband. (Every two weeks for twelve weeks a class on cooking and a Bible class are taught by two women, each woman having an hour to teach.)

God has other plans, and I trust Him for that.