Monday, February 11, 2008

The weekend was like a haven; I needed the rest.

My accomplishments weren't grand, just very ordinary. I ate a little less, and that's the direction I want to go; I praise God for that. I did eat a little sugar, but not until Sunday (progress!).

I am still underachieving as I chip away at all this weight, though. In my reading in Daniel, I see where I need to kick my commitment up a few notches.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I am so glad to here of your accomplishments. It probably seems like such little steps to outsiders but we know how tough they can be.

p.s. I think Daniel is one of the most exciting books in the old testament. I am still plugging away at the tail end of the Pentateuch, but I am excited to be learning how Christ is shadowed in the entire old testament. Amazing!!