Monday, October 27, 2008

It's Monday already--did I have a weekend?!

In my excitement with my new juicer, I made too much. Now I am drinking juice that is failing fast! It was a good lesson, and I sure won't do it again. It's nice not to have to make it every morning, though, as I hurry off to work.

My heart is full of thanks as my body continues its fight to correct all the problems caused by wrong eating. It takes time, and thankfully, my doctor is willing to give me that time.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hi...I am a bad commentator...I seem to get overwhelmed and everything goes out the window. I have been reading though...that is the one thing I can still manage through everything else. So I wanted to ask if you have considered freezing the extra juice? I was thinking of doing just that with my juicer and that way you only have to use it maybe once a week or less.