Monday, June 25, 2007

My Journey to Good Health

This is a new day for me, a new beginning. Yeah, I know I've said that before, but this time I'm seeing something for the first time---ten pounds. Before, when I've lost ten pounds, it was the beginning of my new diet. Now, it is the end. There is something powerful in saying something is completed.

I've been trying to lose 100 pounds for twenty years, but always falling short of about seventy of them. As I'm getting older, (by now I'm 58), my health has started to decline. I'm now classified as a Type 2 diabetic, my blood pressure is still high, my cholesterol needs work, and my joints are now aching most of the time. I'm going to my primary care physican every three months to have all the pills I'm taking checked through blood work to see if my liver and kidneys are being damaged, and to see if I'm losing any weight.

This is not how I imagined my life; I'm not old enough to have all this wrong with me. What will my quality of life be when I'm seventy? Will I even live that long? As I've pondered all of this for the last several months, God has put on my heart the idea of just losing ten pounds.

That is where I am today; starting my journey to lose ten pounds. I found an eating program that I think makes sense, and one that will make me come to terms with my constant preoccupation of food thoughts.

I don't know if anyone else has these struggles, but I don't think I'm that unique. If I have had years of food struggles, maybe there are others who can identify with these same battles. I finally see hope in my need to lose weight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm with you all the way, just lagging a few pounds behind! Love, ~ Cheryl