Tuesday, June 26, 2007

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it" was the verse that sang from my heart this morning while I walked. There is nothing like getting your house in order that gives a renewed zest to life.

My first day on this new eating program was empowering; the tail was not wagging the dog. There is freedom in boundaries. I felt successful as I stepped into new territory ready to learn a better way to live. I like the simplicity of this program, allowing me to eat many of the taboo foods I thought could only be enjoyed while "cheating."

Well, this morning was the test. How well did I do? I gingerly stepped onto the scale and found that I have lost four pounds. I would have been happy with two--what a bonus! This tells me ten pounds is possible. It will be wonderful to finally be able to say I've reached my goal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Four pounds! Way to go, Mom. I believe you can lose that ten pounds, and then some. The future is bright. You'll need shades.

Your son,