Friday, July 13, 2007

I am icing my knees; my walk was harder on them today for some reason. My meniscus is torn and will hopefully heal on its own. I think having extra pounds for so long has caused damage to my overall body.

I see these dear elderly souls, who are practically confined to a sitting position, when I deliver Ensure, Boost, etc., to them. I know that is what my body will be like if I don't take my weight off and get healthy. Little by little my body is starting to break down from the years of abuse; but the wonderful thing is, it is not too late! For that I sing a constant praise to God.

My next venture is yoga. My girls love their class and have been encouraging me to join them. I know my body needs the stretching and utilization it typically does not get on an everyday basis. Life is a precious gift; I want to do my part.

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