Thursday, July 26, 2007

Well, I have my work clothes on (the same clothes I walked in---tank top and shorts) and am ready to tackle the basement. I think I scared my husband when I told him my plan as he was speechless. I don't know if it was because he couldn't believe I was actually going to go down the basement.......or, if he is afraid I might throw something away that is "valuable"! (It's probably both!)

Regardless, I am ready to be proactive in finding a solution to my preoccupation with food. I know my "hunger" begins in my mind, not in my stomach, however...."the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." I have to stop eating out of desire and let my body experience true hunger.

God's ways are simplistic. Why do I make it so complicated?

1 comment:

Rural Writer said...

When you get done with your basement, would you like to come and do ours? :-) We have 3 households of stuff (mine, Jess, Jonathan's) in one small house, and though I've got rid of a lot... a lot still remains.

Good luck with your new project!