Monday, July 30, 2007

In looking back over my week, I see a big pitfall that I don't want to bring into this week. Sugar has been a big setback for me. It starts out innocently enough, just a taste. How does it go, though, from "a taste" to eating a second helping so quickly?

I really do want to get healthy, especially in the diabetes area; but why am I eating so carelessly? What I want and what I am doing are incompatible; it takes such focus to stay on top of it all.

What are my goals for this week? Do not take "a taste" unless I am sure I want seconds and continue on with my journey to good health.

1 comment:

Rural Writer said...

If you ever figure out why we so easily make that transition from not doing something, to doing the something we don't want to do, let me know! It's obviously an age old human problem (thinking about Paul bemoaning the fact he does the very things he doesn't want to do!)