Monday, July 2, 2007

The weekend was a little hard, but I feel good about my choices. I haven't lost any weight since Friday's weigh-in but know rapid weight-loss isn't the answer. I need time to adjust to this new way of eating, and so does my body.

There is a euphoric peace that is propelling me through the day, even in my hunger, as I stay within the eating program's boundaries. My body, both mentally and physically, is responding to the rest I'm giving it from randomly dining on too much food. I have caused damage by overeating, but I can now cause a healing to begin as I reverse the old direction of my life.

I look forward to my continued journey to good health. Each new day my body will thank me for my good stewardship.

1 comment:

Rural Writer said...

Hang in there Linda! You got off to a great start, but you're right, for the most part weight needs to come off more slowly. I know you can do it! - tish